Discover Crowsnest Pass Day 17: 3 tips for taking better photos of your kids in the mountains

We have a special treat for you! Discover Crowsnest Pass Day 17 and Uplift Adventures has been taken over by our dear friend from Troi Crombie Photography. As Troi ventures up Saskatoon Mountain in Crowsnest Pass with her family, she is giving tips for taking better photos of your kids in the mountains.

Tip 1: Take minimum equipment.

You can pack less so that you don’t have to carry too much.

Troi took 3 different lens with her on her adventure. She really loves taking something with a zoom lens. This is great for kids because they move so much. You can also use an iPhone if that is all you have and there are lots of great software for editting now. You can visit Troi’s facebook page for more tips and links.

Tip 2: Move.

You have to go around your subject and look from different angles. You need to get low and get to their level. Looking straight into their eyes is so much better than looking down and getting a bird’s eye view.

Tip 3: Don’t plan or worry too much

Another tip for taking better photos of your kids in the mountains is to not worry if things aren’t perfect or strategic. Troi’s favourite pictures are the ones that aren’t planned. She emphasizes to ’embrace the mess’.

Last tip, remember to check for ticks.

In closing, thank you for joining a virtual tour with us and learning 3 tips for taking better photos of your kids in the mountains. If you have more questions, get in touch with Troi Crombie Photography or better, book her for your next family photography session. If you are looking for an adventure, we invite you to come join us on a family-friendly interpretive hike, hike, backpack, outdoor course, climb or more around Crowsnest Pass, Waterton Lakes National Park, or Castle Parks. We are your local and professional guides to the South Canadian Rockies.

The music is the background has generously been given to Uplift to use and provided by some amazing local artists. Thank you to Pam Drover for the background music, ‘The Journey’.

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