I’ve lived in Crowsnest Pass for 4.5 years now and I love it, but it’s not for everyone. I grew up in a small town, so many differences between the city and Crowsnest Pass didn’t shock me. It only made me feel like this is where I belong. However, if you have never lived in a small town, you will find some behaviours to be unfamiliar and possibly strange. So, what is it like to live in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta?
Where is everyone?
One of the first things that you will notice is that the town seems like a ghost town. Where is everyone? It is like they are in hibernation. This is because most people are either out and about in the backcountry or they prefer house visits over going to the bar. There actually aren’t many things to do in town in the evening, however activities are starting to pick up. We have venues that provide live music, karaoke, or you can visit the small-town movie theatre. It is not like the city where you have handfuls of activities to pick from. This town is more about the outdoors. More about private visits and spending time with the people you love.
Even when you are in the outdoors, you rarely see anyone. Or you might see evidence of tracks or a vehicle parked at the trailhead, but you don’t actually see anyone on the trails. On occasion, when you do see someone on the trails, you know them. The odd time you don’t know them, but you will be greeted as if you do. You don’t walk by someone without kindly singing a ‘good morning’ or ‘happy trails’ with a giant smile on your face. It’s just not the Crowsnest Pass way.

Getting outside
On the topic of trails, as a visitor or a newbie you might not know the trail system very well. It is quite difficult as many trails are not marked. As a local, you know that there are endless trails and when there isn’t a trail, you bush-whack. Crowsnest Passers love to explore and adventure. There are hundreds and hundreds of trails, but you either need to know someone that knows the trails or be okay with exploring. If you ask a local what is good, you will be sent to a more popular location like Allison-Chinook or Pass Powderkeg. This isn’t because we don’t want to tell you the good stuff (well, maybe we keep some things a secret), but because it’s difficult to describe where things are. It seems like everything has two or three names…
“Goat Mountain, no Bluff Mountain.”
“Knowles Flat. McGillvray Staging Area. No, where the high school kids like to party. You know, where the ATV bridge is that people don’t use. No, the transition for 5/6 and 6/7 for Sinister 7. You know, by the power line.”
The directions get interesting at times. For example,
“If you go through Bush Town and follow the staging area signs, then go up the hill. When you come to a fork in the road, it doesn’t really matter which way you go. You know that yellow bridge? Yes, go past the yellow bridge and go up the switch back. At the next fork in the road, go…”
“Hey, you know that bridge that bounces when you run over it? Yeah, that one. If you take that bridge then you can get to Deadman’s Pass that way too.”
“You know the meadow along Atlas Road where the moose hang out?”
“Just after the cattle guard.”
This one is common, so get to know where the cattle guards are!
“You know where the old Burmis Mill was, right? Or, the old baseball diamonds? Or, two-shitter flats?”
“If you go to kilometer marker 7 along the Atlas Road, there is a small pull-off on your left-hand side, park there. You can’t miss it….”
“When you go to Harley’s Hole and turn right, that trail is a double track, but turns into a single track and you can get up the mountain that way too.”
Who is Harley? Oh, he’s just a guy that would get stuck in that mudhole all the time.
This is how the directions go and if you don’t know the area, you are going to have a hard time figuring out what is what.
Getting around town
You may find the directions in town get a little confusing too. Is there a gym in town? Yup. Where? Well, see, you need to get a gym pass first. You get your gym pass from the car wash, which is also the laundry mat. You will get a code for the gym and this code changes often, so you must return to the car wash regularly. This makes sure you also pay your monthly dues. Then when you ask for the location of the gym, you get directions. Which is quite common for everything in town. Rarely will you get an address, and rarely do you want to hand out an address. If you want people to visit you, you describe where you live or let them know who your neighbours are or who used to live in your house prior to you living there.
Getting information
The best source of information is by talking to your neighbours or going to the grocery store. You will need to budget your time accordingly when you buy your groceries. You can’t just pop into the grocery store as you will see many people you know. You must account for double the allotted time when buying groceries. Actually, also when you go to the mechanic. Or get the mail. Or get your hair done. Or go to the bank. People are not in a rush. People want to get to know you. If you are new to town, expect that everyone will look at you when you walk into the grocery store and whisper. Don’t worry, they are just curious. Or when you walk into a restaurant, you will see everyone turn their heads. We are just wondering if we know you. It’s nothing against you.
If you need to figure out anything in town and you don’t want to leave your house, it is quite simple. You just need to be a member of ‘The Crowsnest Network’ on Facebook. You will get all the intel on there. Why is my internet down? What events are going on? Whose dog is missing this week? The worst is when your dog gets out of your backyard. The first thing you do is check ‘The Crowsnest Network’ and hope that no one has shamed you yet. Or, if your dog has been missing for some time, hope that someone has found him.

Your neighbours
The best is that the community looks out for one another. Posted on The Crowsnest Network: “My car alarm went off last night in Pineview and I saw someone trying to break in. Watch out folks!” This is the best! Crime rates are low because the people in Crowsnest Pass bind together like playing red rover as a child. We aren’t letting nonsense get through this small town. Neighbours look after each other. Neighbours wave at each other. Neighbours smile at each other. Neighbours tag you in posts on Facebook. Neighbours send you text messages when a bear is in your backyard. This is what Crowsnest Pass is like. But don’t you dare park in your neighbour’s parking space.
Your neighbours are not just people, they are also the town deer. You either build a 6ft fence, which is what the bylaw allows, and hope this is high enough to keep the deer out. Or you don’t grow any plants because the deer will eat them all. They come right after you spend hours and hours making beautiful flower pot arrangements. They wait for night fall, and then pull those flowers out by the roots. They get them. They get them all.
The deer become your family and you endearingly shoo them off your front lawn when you leave the house to go to work. You watch out for them when driving through town, because they will even zoom across the pedestrian walks and bounce over that guardrail by high school. I had a deer hang around my backyard, I shooed it away and shortly after it popped out a little Bambi. You describe the deer with how many offspring it had in the spring. When I first moved here, I had a neighbour go to her front door and swing pancakes, like a frisbee, to feed the deer (FYI – This is not allowed! And is not something I recommend doing as it’s illegal).
Its people
The people in Crowsnest Pass range in age, lifestyle and values. But there are some things that we have in common. People are humble. You do not get social cred for wearing the newest brand or the most expensive gear. In fact, you will quite often see people using gear from 30 years ago. Why? Because it works. You get social cred for how far you can huck your bike off a jump. Or understanding those directions to the trailhead. Or carrying someone’s groceries to the car for them.

People in Crowsnest Pass like to live off the land. You will often find people picking berries in the summer. And if you are offended by hunting, you might as well not live here. Hunting is a part of the culture. Providing for yourself by heating your house with a wood-burning stove using the wood that you scavenged on public land and eating elk stew from the elk you harvested in the fall; that is social cred.
Once you have lived here
If you are new to Crowsnest Pass, the one thing that you will be surprised about is the heritage. At first you will think, ‘This is weird, there are a lot of old buildings here’. As time goes by, you will get sucked in. The history in Crowsnest Pass is a shining Olympic medal. You may not have considered yourself a history fan… until you move to Crowsnest Pass. Those buildings that originally made you think the town looked empty, will soon become buildings that you point out to visitors and you say, “How cool is that!? There used to be a tunnel that connected those buildings during prohibition. Maybe it is still there! I want to find out.”
The history captivates you and you will soon gawk over the old mining infrastructure that you find on the trails and it makes you want to just explore more and more. You will be fascinated by the fact that Blairmore used to be run by communists. You will take pride in the museum and the artifacts that exist in there, like the Barracks and the story behind rum running. This town makes you dig for information and makes me feel like a detective or an excited kid who is discovering things for the first time.

People in Crowsnest Pass are proud of where they live. Crowsnest Pass amalgamated in 1979. When people ask us what town we are from after we say we live in Crowsnest Pass, it annoys us (well, at least the newer Crowsnest Passers, I can’t speak for everyone). We don’t live in the town of Blairmore, Coleman, Frank, Hillcrest or Bellevue. We live in the town of Crowsnest Pass. Most likely, people are just trying to make conversation. We get it and it’s confusing. Even Canada Post has yet to figure this one out too. Even Google Maps can’t seem to figure out how to properly label the area, despite trying to correct it myself. Crowsnest Pass is made up of five areas (like subdivisions in the city): Hillcrest, Bellevue, Frank, Blairmore and Coleman. However, we are Crowsnest Pass.
Is this the place for you?
So, what is it like to live in Crowsnest Pass? It is awesome. It is a community. It is where people look out for people. It is where you wave at your neighbours and can potentially be in the grocery store for an hour even though you only needed to pick up two things. It is where your friends will range from the age of 0 to 100. It is where you will feel safe, taken care of and humbled. It is where services cost less and groceries cost more. It is where you make life-time friends. It is where you walk into a bar and everyone knows your name, literally. They also know the name of your kids, your dog and your best friend.
In short, if you are like me, Crowsnest Pass feels like home.
Comments 43
Awesome. I’m south of Pincher Creek, but have family in the Pass that go all the way back to the original mining times. You’ve written a great perspective on being a mountain resident that rings true here as well. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Kelly!
What great summary! You checked off all the quirky things about Crowsnest Pass that are endearing and special!
Thank you, Anna. Your opinion means a lot.
A great summary forsure,,, is the pass a place for seniors we’re 70
Hi Gail – There are several people who are retired who live in Crowsnest Pass. I suppose it would depend on your interests and needs. While someone who is 70 years old can still be very active and active within the community, you might start considering health care availability. The doctors in Crowsnest Pass are top notch, but there are limitations as you will have to drive to see any specialists. We also have a shortage of doctors right now, so there is a long waiting list to get a family doctor. However, after living in the city, I much prefer the doctors who reside in a small community. So, not sure how to answer your question exactly, but hopefully this helps.
Nailed it!!!
I have literally lived “Getting around town” to a Tee, love it!
Well said Heather, well said!
Thank you, Trevor. Haha. I know, right!? I love getting the detailed directions. When I first moved here, all I wanted was an address. Now, I don’t even think about it.
love it
Thank you, Brian!
where is that mine building please?
also – the deer is just 2 houses from my place!
thank you kirk!
When you are around, I will show you. It’s really not hard to get to, but it’s tucked away and you need to know how to get there. Haha – Those deer! We have herds of them. I see them in front of your house all of the time! (New addition to story: Neighbours are awesome – they also post on my website! Haha)
proud to have have been born and raised in Coleman( crowsnest Pass) Although I do not live here anymore, I visit almost every year and we walk the miners path.
I also stop and turn to see if I know anyone. And usually I do . ( bev Fullbrandt) nee Collister
Hehe. When I moved to the city after growing up on a farm, I noticed that I did it. Eventually I stopped looking, but when I returned to a small town I now look at everyone who walks by me. It’s a good feeling 🙂
All I can say ,, this is nothing but so true. Love the article. Not to mention it’s the best place to live , wouldn’t change it for anything.
Thank you, Angela! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Crowsnest Pass is awesome.
Loved your article.Having grown up in the pass and raised 2 children their for the first 12 years of their lives I can say their is no place like home.I love winter,spring ,summer and fall in the pass.Had the pleasure of hiking Crowsnest Mtn,the turtle,window mt,andy good peak .Partied at the flats and various other fave teen bush party spots.The community of friends and neighbors are sorely missed ,I long to return after being away for over 25 years for all the reasons you write about.My biggest regret in my life was moving the family to the Kelowna..hells bells that place is a pit.I love my visits home,I can still walk into iga and know everybody there and feel like I never left.That is what living in the Crowsnest is all about.
Hi Judy – Sounds like you need to come back! Thank you for the message and I’m glad you enjoyed the article.
Great write up!
Thank you, Desiree. I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you for reminding me of why I live here, Heather. You nailed it. A wonderful tribute to a beautiful community.
Rae, I’m so glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the message. I had a lot of fun writing this article, which is saying a lot because I don’t consider myself a writer. Merry Christmas to you and John!
As I read along, I kept saying “Haha so true”! Such a good description of how life is around here! Thanks for sharing your love of our little piece of paradise!
Thank you, Emilie! I’m glad you enjoyed the article and happy that you are a part of this community.
Love the Pass, if only I could convince my wife the same. I grew up in small town Sask and now in Calgary which isn’t my style. When in Canmore or Banff it already feels big city and for sure big city prices. Great article that gives me hope to be there some day!
Thank you for the comment, Russ! If you move here (or visit), be sure to get in touch!
Hope to be living there by next summer! We love that area!
Yes Lynda! Come move here and we are excited that you want Crowsnest Pass to be your home!
I have been thinking about making the move to the Crowsnest, but all I hear about is the wind and how bad it is….. as someone who lives there, what do you say to this?
Hi Ken – Thank you for the comment. I personally do not find it to be an issue. During the season changes, I find the wind to be stronger; however, the wind is stronger everywhere along the eastern slopes. I’m not entirely sure why people say Crowsnest Pass is windier than other places, because I don’t find that it is true in relation to any other place along the eastern slopes. I do find the further west you go, it does get less windy.
Thank you so much for this article! We are living on Vancouver Island and plan on moving to AB within 3-4yrs when we retire. We are done with big cities and want a small community! This is definitely a place that we are seriously considering! Thank you for answering so many of our questions!!!
Hi Eileen – We are so glad that this helped you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions. Maybe we will meet each other in the future 😉
Hi Eileen, I’m just checking out the pass too and found your comment. It sure looks like a beautiful area eh? I wonder what the winter temps are like and property rentals. Maybe we’ll see you there one day. We just don’t want to spend another winter here in Edmonton.
Just reading this now in 2023! My family and I are considering a relocation to the CNP from the Elk Valley. Any insight on the schools in the area?
Great article!
Hi Chris – Thanks for reading the article. We assume you are referring to the schools for your children? We can only say great things about the schools here. Teachers who care, outdoor programs, lots of options for students to learn and participate. Highly recommended!
Mental health and addictions nurse seeking an active supportive community, looking for access to good paddling, biking, hiking, skiing, camping and great people to enjoy it with. Looking to move in 2025-26, open to your thoughts
Oh boy, it is endless here. There is a paddling scene here and I recommend looking up Pinch o Crow. I only paddle at the end of May and June, then the water gets lower, but there are several people who still go out and know the good spots. Below the Oldman Dam there are some engineered features in the river where you can practice. Sweet Riders and UROC for biking and information. Hiking, backpacking and climbing is us. There is a large bouldering crew here. Pass Powderkeg, Castle and Fernie Resorts are all very close and super fun as well. Let us know when you make the move!
Crowsnest Pass offers a unique and picturesque lifestyle and I am grateful to know about it. What are the biggest advantages and challenges of living in Crowsnest Pass?
Hi! We agree that it is unique and picturesque. It is certainly an under-rated place in the Canadian Rockies. Biggest advantage is knowing your neighbours, waving at everyone, and having hundreds of kilometres available from your doorstep. Biggest disadvantage a rehigher grocery prices (so we stock up on non-perishables) and not as many amenities as a bigger centre.
Loved your story it was exactly what I was looking for in a community, Im from Scotland originally born and raised but now live in Calgary, I have a small town heart as Im big on being active and supporting my community by getting involved in my environment and the people that live there, I wanted to know about Crowsnest as a community of people and you spoke to my heart on that curiosity. I suppose I should just come visit and stay a few days to get a feel for it and see what my heart and soul tells me as I believe in the signs so far my gut instincts lead the way. Im looking forward to meeting the locals and I will as Im a sunflower and not a wallflower lol !
Sounds like small town living is calling your name! If you come mid-week, come join Adventure Club (under day hikes on our website). We have several locals who join these trips and it is a great way to meet others. We hope to meet you!
Does anyone remember where the basins are? I remember as a kid back in 1969 or 1970 the area was south from the Main Street in Blairmore, we’d walk south from Twilight confectionery or through the park with the band stand, I don’t remember how far we would of walked to get there, but as a young kid it was a cool place, same as Crazy Joes pond but were talking 55 years ago, we moved away in 1972 to Cranbrook BC which was good move for us, I drive through a couple times a year and reminisce about how much fun we had back then, Mr Hall from Halls Pharmacy would put a sheet over him self and chase us around the block by the old swinging bridge which is gone now, but he was a stand up guy to make sure we all had fun, we had a lot of friends there my two older brothers and my sister she was the oldest, I also recall a horrible fire in Blairmore where a few people lost there lives, we went to watch what was going on and that seared into my head and still have visions from that terrible night, we played lots of hockey at the rink had a great coach Mr Baylog , some of you I’m sure remember those days if you still live there, we’ll I’m sure I’ve texted way to much, take care everyone
Hi Gary – I think you are talking about Heart Basin. Yes, we know where that is. It’s a fun, but small swimming hole. It’s good for small kids. I’m not sure about Crazy Joes pond though, haha. I’m intrigued. Thanks for the message and I’m glad you have mostly fond memories of the area.